
Can A Pie Which Is Only Partially Baked Be Put Back In The Oven To Finish Baking

Alright, you've mastered the how-tos of mixing your pie crust. You've learned how to thoroughly incorporate the fat (butter, shortening, or lard) with all-purpose flour. Once your dough is neatly formed, information technology'due south time to roll information technology, shape information technology, and bake it. Now comes the pie-related question I am asked more ofttimes than whatever other: How exercise you bullheaded bake pie chaff? And what is par-baking, anyway?

Par-blistering, also known every bit bullheaded baking, is the procedure of baking a chaff before filling it with fruit, custard, pudding, or water ice cream. Sometimes it's quick—around 15 minutes—just to ensure a crisp bottom crust before adding a filling and baking some more. Other times, the chaff is fully baked in accelerate because the filling doesn't demand to be cooked in the oven (call back coconut foam pie or lemon meringue pie). Par-baked pies are some of my favorites because they can take a lot less time to put together.

How and when yous decide to blind bake your pie crust tin can depend on a whole host of variables, only read on for a few essential pie crust rules I similar to live by.

Pie 101

Start with Cold Dough

Start with cold dough. Yep, I audio similar a broken record, since I've already mentioned this at to the lowest degree ten times in previous recipes and articles nigh how to bake pie, but that's how important it is. Arctic your dough in the fridge (or you tin get in way in advance and freeze it, and so allow information technology thaw) and then roll it out when information technology's nice and common cold. Once it's rolled thin in the shape of a large circumvolve, transfer it to your favorite pie dish. From here, chill it again, either in the fridge or freezer before you blind bake a pie. The temperature of the dough is crucial in getting a nice, flakey chaff.

Use a Glass Pie Plate

I always recommend this for pie chaff beginners or folks who still struggle with getting that crispy lesser chaff. Drinking glass conducts heat well and—best of all—y'all can meet through it. Which ways no more guessing if your crust is golden on the bottom. Every bit pretty as French ceramic pie dishes are, a adept ole glass pie dish is best when you lot are blind blistering a crust.

Once your dough has chilled in the drinking glass pie dish, pierce the base of the dough with a fork. I usually make 5 to eight piercings; no need to go crazy. This will let some steam to escape while the crust bakes, which helps the chaff to cook evenly sans air bubbling.

Use Pie Weights

Pie weights are a baker'south best friend (in addition to a rolling pin, measuring cups and spoons, silicone baking become the idea). When using pie weights, start by cutting out a foursquare of parchment paper that is slightly larger than your pie plate. Place it, centered, over the dough, and fill up the cavity with pie weights (ceramic reusable ones, a metal pie concatenation, or just plain sometime dried beans or rice). The weights should be strong plenty to agree the parchment paper in identify and prevent the chaff from puffing up. When using beans or ceramic weights, I usually make full the crenel nigh one-half of the way.

Bake at a High Temperature

I start (and oftentimes finish) all of my pies at 425°F. This causes the h2o in the butter to evaporate, which creates steam, resulting in a lite and flaky crust. If the oven is likewise cold, the fat in the butter merely melts, making your crust bake and brownish unevenly. It as well causes that dreaded shrinkage that tin occur when the chaff droops down from the lip of the pie plate. That is a baker's biggest enemy.

Piercing Crust with a Fork Pie Weights

What Color Should Yous Look For on the Chaff?

Many pie beginners are and so afraid of over-cooking or burning their pie that they under-bake it instead. Only browning is good! A chocolate-brown chaff is a crispy, flaky crust. A pale chaff is a soggy, chewy crust. We all know which type of crust your family unit and friends volition want to eat on Thanksgiving.

If your pie crust is browning as well quickly or as well much, start it at a high temperature, so reduce the temperature to 375°F after 5 to 10 minutes. (This goes for all pies.) If just the elevation of the chaff is getting too brown, yous can tent it with foil.

If you're notwithstanding struggling to get a crisp bottom chaff, try using a blistering rock. Rut the oven with the blistering stone in the heart rack, then place your pie on the baking rock. The stone will help regulate your oven temperature and ensure the lesser of your pie crust is getting golden brown and crisp. If information technology's browning too much, you can ever move the pie to another rack to end baking.

When Do You Par-Broil a Pie Crust?

Well, that depends, and the ability is really in your hands. I tend to blind bake a lot of my pie crusts—even fruit pies with double crusts! I find that the initial baking fourth dimension really helps ensure a crisp bottom crust. Now, if you lot are making x pies for Thanksgiving and you don't accept time for all that, that'southward okay too—this is virtually finding what works for yous and how you like your crust to turn out.

Par Baking Pie Crust Pictured: Raw dough, partially par-baked crust, and fully par-baked crust.

How To Par-Bake A Crust That Volition Be Baked Over again Later

If yous're going to blind broil pie crust for an apple tree or cream pie, yous may be wondering how long you lot bake a pie crust unfilled? To exercise this, preheat the oven to 425°F and bake until the crust only begins to brown (information technology will still be stake, but it should non wait like raw dough). The cooking time may vary based on your oven and your pie plate, simply should accept around 15 to 20 minutes. Remove the parchment and pie weights, and cool the crust completely before calculation the filling and returning the pie to the oven.

How To Par-Bake A Chaff That Will Non Be Baked Again After

Yous'll detect yourself needing to bullheaded bake a pie crust in its entirety if you're making a chiffon pie, Lemon Meringue Pie, Key Lime Pie, or whatever other type of pie where the filling does non need to be cooked in the oven. To fully blind bake pie crust, broil it at 425°F until the crust begins to plough gilt, 17 to xx minutes. Remove the parchment and pie weights, and continue to bake until the crust is evenly browned and looks well-baked, which should take another 5 to x minutes.

Egg Wash

More Par-Baking Tips

If you want to make the best (and I mean BEST!) blind baked pie crust e'er, I have a few more handy secrets for you.

Use an egg wash. An egg launder doesn't just make a pie crust look like it'due south been out sunbathing on a Florida embankment (though it will exercise that, besides). Information technology also serves a functional purpose. This volition keep your crust from getting soggy after yous make full it. Simply brush the base of the crust lightly with an egg wash when it comes out of the oven, then return the pie to the oven just to set the egg, 30 seconds to 1 infinitesimal. Egg whites work all-time here because they don't have the high fat content of yolks and therefore won't dark-brown, but I tend to take regular egg launder on hand, and then I ordinarily just use that.

For fruit pies that are made alee of time, the crust tin can still get a little soggy as it sets (even if everything is followed perfectly). My best communication is to reheat the pie on a baking rock. Start it at 425°F, just to ensure the blistering rock is hot, then lower the oven temperature to 375°F and bake until the pie is heated through. The baking stone volition re-crisp the lesser crust merely in time for y'all to slice that bad boy and top information technology with ice cream.

In one case you've got a handle on par-baking, you tin master the incredible ease of the cold-filling pie. My favorite examples are ganache, whipped cream, and some kind of seasonal fruit, or the ever-pop ice cream pie.

Combinations to get started

Vanilla pastry cream + sugared berries
Lime posset + whipped cream + compression of salt
Raspberry water ice cream + more raspberries on acme
Chocolate-hazelnut mousse + toasted, chopped hazelnuts
Crème fraîche panna cotta + your favorite jam

5 Pie Recipes to Employ a Par-Baked Crust

Endeavour one (or all!) of the five recipes below. Each one hinges on a crispy, buttery, par-baked crust.

1. Chocolate Scarlet Pie

Remember this riffable template: par-baked crust, plus chocolate ganache, plus whipped cream, plus whatever fruit is in season right now. The chocolate tin can be dark or semisweet. As for the fruit, anything from cherries or strawberries to chopped plums or peaches is fair game.

Chocolate Cherry Pie

two. Chocolate-Caramel Water ice Cream Pie

If you tin can make pie crust (say information technology with u.s.a., you tin can!), y'all're more than halfway done. Water ice foam—literally any ice foam, bootleg or not—makes a great no-effort pie filling. This recipe uses chocolate, simply try vanilla, coffee, or peaches and sour cream.

Chocolate-Caramel Ice Cream Pie

3. Fresh Blueberry Pie

This fresh-as-heck recipe comes by style of Julie Barker at Helen's Restaurant in Machias, Maine. Huckleberry pies are frequently double-crusted and baked, but this i is the reverse: A par-baked crust is home to lots (and lots) of fresh blueberries, all spring together by a DIY blueberry gel.

Fresh Blueberry Pie

iv. Fresh Strawberry Pie

Similar the blueberry wonder above, this pie leans into the juicy brightness of fresh fruit. Baker Posie (Harwood) Brien found the recipe on the back of a Land O' Lakes butter box: "In my quest to observe first-class dorsum-of-the-box recipes, I found this pie which is perfect for summertime baking, equally information technology cooks half the berries and leaves the other half fresh."

Fresh Strawberry Pie

5. Strawberries 'n' Cream Pie

Name a amend combination than berries and cream—we'll wait. In this case, cream refers to pastry cream, which is more or less vanilla pudding. Experience complimentary to swap in another type of berry (say, blackberries or raspberries), or off-road with a mix.

Strawberries n Cream Pie

Photos by Sarah Rock. This article originally published in 2022—nosotros updated information technology with more recipes, because who doesn't want more pie? Allow us know your favorite pie recipe in the comments below.

Can A Pie Which Is Only Partially Baked Be Put Back In The Oven To Finish Baking,


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