
What To Put On Dirt Yard To Prevent Any Growth

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Using organic mulch in your yard or garden beds can conserve h2o, shield institute roots, improve the health of the soil, preserve soil temperature, and forbid weed growth. Inorganic or decorative mulch is less effective at preventing weed growth and shielding plant roots, just can add color and texture to your garden bed or belongings. Get-go, decide which mulch yous want to use on your belongings, so follow the proper procedures to apply the mulch so that works every bit intended.

  1. 1

    Select an organic mulch to add nutrients to your lawn. Organic mulches include wood chips, straw, grass clippings, chopped leaves, and compost. When the mulch breaks down, it naturally adds nutrients to the underlying soil. Organic mulch will besides assist with water retention, weed prevention, and volition protect plant roots. Organic mulches won't, however, protect from pests.[1]

    • Y'all can purchase organic mulch online or at a gardening store.
    • Organic mulches volition accept to be replaced or augmented every twelvemonth.
  2. two

    Choose inorganic mulch for a decorative look. Inorganic mulches include gravel, stones, tumbled glass, and river rock. Inorganic mulch tin can prevent weed germination, help retain moisture, and regulate root temperature, just are frequently less effective than organic mulches. Dissimilar organic mulches, however, inorganic mulches come in a broad variety of colors and styles that you tin use to decorate your outdoor space. Choose a stone or gravel that matches the artful of your landscaping.[ii]

    • For example, you can get an inorganic mulch that matches the color of your house.
    • If you are going to a sleek, modern style, you may want to get stones that are all the aforementioned size and shape.
    • Using rock or gravel in high temperatures could overheat and injure your plants.[3]


  3. iii

    Purchase enough mulch to cover the surface area. Y'all'll want to cover your blossom bed or lawn with 1 inch (2.v cm) - 2 inches (5.i cm) of mulch during the summer. To determine how much mulch you need to purchase for your infinite, you can utilize an online calculator like the one found at

    • Mulch is typically sold by the so-called "1000" which covers 100 square feet (nine.3 g2) of garden 3 inches (vii.6 cm) deep.
    • If you are using mulch for weed control, apply the mulch then it'due south two inches (5.1 cm) - 4 inches (10 cm) thick.
    • If you lot are mulching vegetable beds during the winter you should lay downwards a four inches (10 cm) - 6 inches (15 cm) layer.
    • Applying too much mulch will suffocate establish roots and kill a establish.


  1. one

    Apply organic mulch in the early summertime for the best results. You can still mulch throughout other parts of the year, just the terminate of spring and offset of summertime are oft the best fourth dimension to lay down mulch. During this time, the soil has warmed upwardly and plants are typically out of dormancy.

    • If you are laying down mulch to prevent weeds or improve the health of your lawn or flower bed, information technology's all-time to do information technology sooner rather than wait for the optimal time.
  2. 2

    Use winter mulch in the late fall. A common misconception is that wintertime mulch tin preclude the soil from freezing in cold temperatures. This is untrue, but applying mulch can make the freezing process more gradual and reduce excessive freeze-thaw cycles, which is improve for your plants. When laying down mulch for winter protection, lay down 2 inches (5.1 cm) - iv inches (10 cm) of mulch to the area.

    • Yous tin can use both organic and inorganic mulch for wintertime mulching.
  3. three

    Add organic mulch to newly planted trees or shrubs. Organic mulch like compost or manure are the best types of mulch to employ for newly planted shrubs, trees, and flowers because they add essential nutrients to the soil and protect the new plants from weeds. Inorganic mulches won't have an issue on newly planted trees or shrubs.

    • Wood-based organic mulch may compete for nitrogen with your new plants, and so if y'all programme on using them, till nitrogen amendments into the soil beforehand.


  1. 1

    Pull weeds out of the lawn. Employ a garden spade to dig out any existing weeds in the expanse. Make sure to get deep enough to dig out the weeds roots or information technology may grow back. This pace is of import so that weeds don't grow under the mulch.[four]

    • If yous have fourth dimension, y'all tin use a chemical weed killer to remove weeds as an alternative.
    • A selective chemical weed killer will only harm broad leaf weeds or grasses. A nonselective chemical weed killer will harm any plant it comes into contact with.
    • Don any rubber gear recommended by your weed killer and read the manufacturer's directions regarding application.
  2. 2

    Create an edge for the mulch. Use a shovel or manual edger and advisedly dig around the area that you want to mulch. This should create a smooth continuous line around the blossom bed or tree that will help proceed the mulch off the grass.[five]

    • Don't toss the soil into your flowerbed or you may promote grass growth in your mulch.
    • You tin can as well create an edge by lining upward stone effectually the area that you want to mulch.
  3. 3

    Remove existing mulch or dress the top with a similar mulch. Use a shovel to dig away any existing mulch on the pinnacle surface of your lawn or flower bed. Transfer the quondam mulch into a wheelbarrow and discard information technology. You'll know you've removed plenty mulch when you see dark brown soil with roots in it.[6]

    • You can place the one-time mulch into a compost pile and allow it break down.
    • If you are adding a similar mulch, you can just tiptop wearing apparel the existing mulch subsequently smoothing it out with a rake.
  4. 4

    Shovel modest piles of mulch onto your flower bed or lawn. Outset, cascade the mulch into a wheelbarrow to get in easier to transport. Then, shovel pocket-size piles of mulch in the areas that you want to add together it to. In one case you have 3-4 small piles, motility onto the adjacent step.[seven]

    • Just dumping all of the mulch in one area may leave you lot with too much mulch, which will suffocate your plants' roots.
  5. 5

    Rake the mulch over the area in an even layer. Rake down the small-scale piles that you shoveled into the expanse. If you lot're mulching during the spring or summer, create a 1 inch (two.five cm) - ii inches (five.i cm) layer over the entirety of the area. If y'all are using a larger, inorganic mulch, yous can spread it out with your hands rather than a rake. As y'all need more, pour more mulch in the expanse with your shovel.[8]

    • If you are mulching during the winter or for weed prevention, you can create a layer that is four inches (x cm) thick.
    • Get out an i inch (2.five cm) of clearance betwixt the body of any trees or plants and the mulch.
  6. half-dozen

    Water organic mulch. Watering organic mulch with a garden hose or buckets of water will prevent it from blowing away and give it moisture. Be conscientious not to over h2o the mulch or it the water may pool on the top of it, which could be detrimental to your plants.

  7. vii

    Supervene upon organic mulch every twelvemonth. Organic mulch will break down over time and lose nigh of its benefits over time. For this reason, you lot should remove the old mulch and add together new mulch around the same time each yr.

    • Wood chips often last longer than other organic mulches but will turn gray over time.
  8. 8

    Replace inorganic mulch when it no longer looks fresh. Inorganic mulch lasts much longer than organic mulch and doesn't demand to exist replaced often. If your gravel or stones await muddy, you could hose them downwards with water to clean them instead of replacing it.


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  • Question

    Can I spread new mulch over old mulch?

    Lauren Kurtz

    Lauren Kurtz is a Naturalist and Horticultural Specialist. Lauren has worked for Aurora, Colorado managing the Water-Wise Garden at Aurora Municipal Center for the Water Conservation Department. She earned a BA in Environmental and Sustainability Studies from Western Michigan University in 2022.

    Lauren Kurtz

    Professional Gardener

    Expert Answer

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    Yes, y'all can if information technology is the aforementioned kind of mulch. If it is not the same type of mulch, over time as the mulch gets moved effectually, yous will expose the older layer of mulch, which may detract from the aesthetics of your garden. This is purely an artful problem. It'due south fine from a functional perspective.

  • Question

    I take a bank I would similar to embrace with mulch. Can I cut the existing grass, lay fabric down, and then utilize the mulch? I actually don't desire to till the steep bank.

    Lauren Kurtz

    Lauren Kurtz is a Naturalist and Horticultural Specialist. Lauren has worked for Aurora, Colorado managing the Water-Wise Garden at Aurora Municipal Middle for the H2o Conservation Section. She earned a BA in Environmental and Sustainability Studies from Western Michigan University in 2022.

    Lauren Kurtz

    Professional Gardener

    Proficient Answer

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    Steep banks can be tricky to cover with mulch considering sometimes the mulch will fall, blow, or get done off of the bank. Landscape textile can make this problem worse, so I don't recommend using it. The fabric is amend for under a path. Apply a shredded wood mulch for this area because it will form more of a mat and blow away less easily than bark pieces. This type of mulch is sometimes referred to as gorilla hair.

  • Question

    Tin I just put mulch over weeds?

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    This answer was written past ane of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accurateness and comprehensiveness.

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    wikiHow Staff Editor

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    Ideally you should pull weeds before applying mulch, just often putting mulch on superlative of weeds will be plenty to kill them, though it depends on the weed. A 4 inch layer of mulch will generally be able to forestall whatsoever seeds from sprouting, so at least use this much. Then, pay attention to the mulched area and pull whatsoever weeds that are able to grow through.

  • Question

    Practice you have to remove old mulch earlier applying new mulch?

    wikiHow Staff Editor

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    wikiHow Staff Editor

    wikiHow Staff Editor

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    No, it'southward fine to exit quondam mulch as information technology will slowly rot and return to the soil every bit information technology loses its effectiveness. Nevertheless, avoid allowing too much mulch to accumulate around trees or plants, as this tin pb to root rot. If you would prefer to remove old mulch to avoid over mulching or for aesthetic reasons, this is too ok and information technology can be composted if you wish.

  • Question

    What are the advantages and disadvantages of mulching?

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    This respond was written by 1 of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    wikiHow Staff Editor

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    Mulch prevents weeds from growing, increases water retention in the soil, and in the wintertime helps insulate sure plants to keep them live. Mulch doesn't need to be removed and will eventually rot and improve your soil. In that location aren't many disadvantages to mulching, but applying too much mulch too shut to the trunk of a tree or institute tin potentially kill information technology by causing root rot.

  • Question

    Tin can yous put mulch on top of grass?

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    This reply was written by one of our trained squad of researchers who validated information technology for accurateness and comprehensiveness.

    wikiHow Staff Editor

    wikiHow Staff Editor

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    If your aim is to kill the grass this might work, but don't put mulch on grass if you want it to alive! However, y'all would need a thick layer of mulch to impale all of it, at the least 4 inches thick (and probably thicker) as at this depth you lot volition prevent any seeds from germinating. You might also try cut the grass equally low to the basis equally possible before mulching.

  • Question

    Is information technology right to put mulch on top of the soil around a tree?



    Community Answer

    Aye, this is correct, however the mulch shouldn't be piled up effectually the base of operations of the tree. This is known as a "mulch volcano" and will suffocate the roots in your trees.

  • Question

    How do I get rid of "rat tails?"



    Customs Respond

    Y'all accept to pull any weeds and use a weed remover earlier laying down the mulch.

  • Question

    Should I lay the mulch during a certain month?

    Community Answer

    Yes. Lay it during the fall so the roots can be protected during the winter when the roots grow.

  • Question

    Do I need to apply weed killer earlier applying mulch?

    Community Answer

    Yes, to ensure no weeds form, it is all-time to apply week killer to the surface area one week earlier you utilise mulch.

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Things Yous'll Need

  • Shovel
  • Wheelbarrow
  • Garden hose
  • Manual edger (optional)
  • Cocoa hulls, a form of organic mulch, is toxic to dogs.[9]


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Article Summary X

Before you apply mulch to your garden, use a garden spade to dig up whatsoever existing weeds in the area. Use a shovel or a manual edger to advisedly dig an edge around the area you desire to mulch, or line the area with rock if you prefer. Clear away whatever existing mulch, then shovel pocket-sized piles of the new mulch onto your flower bed or lawn. In one case yous have 3-iv piles of mulch, rake the piles into an even layer that is nearly one-2 inches thick. Water the mulch to assist forestall it from blowing away. Keep reading for tips from our horticulture reviewer to learn how to cull the right mulch for your garden!

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