
Do I Have To Put Wine In The Fridge

Lockdown is the perfect time to piece of work on improving your tasting skills. If yous are opening more than than one bottle at a time, how can you preserve your wine's freshness for equally long as possible?

Practising wine tasting without a study grouping is always challenging. Information technology's as well more than expensive, every bit you cannot split the cost between you and then you're left with wine you understandably wouldn't desire to waste product.

From the moment you open the bottle, the clock is ticking, and your wine is get-go to lose its aromas and flavour characteristics.

We've put together the best wine preservation tips to assistance you lot go along your vino at its all-time for a lilliputian bit longer.

On the WSET Level 1 Accolade in Wines, you will learn how to store and serve wine and some basics to nutrient and vino pairings. Find out more hither.

Why does wine get off in the offset place?

Wine has quite a few enemies - light and heat amongst them. Merely exposure to oxygen is the greatest threat it faces.

Oxygen turns wine into vinegar. Then when considering how to preserve wine, information technology'southward key to make sure that your vino is protected from exposure to the air every bit much as possible. A good start is remembering to close the canteen after each pour, but this doesn't really go far enough.

i/ Store opened wine bottles in an upright position

Once opened all vino bottles (whether screwcap or cork) should be stored in an upright position to reduce the surface expanse exposed to oxygen.

two/ Keep your vino in the refrigerator

Because they're usually best enjoyed chilled, putting opened white wines in the fridge feels instinctive. When it comes to red wine, because its characteristics are better expressed in warmer temperatures, any course of chilling might seem like a imitation pas.

Merely you shouldn't be agape of storing opened reddish wine in the refrigerator. Cooler temperatures slow down chemical processes, including oxidation. A re-closed bottle of red or white wine in the fridge can stay relatively fresh for up to 5 days.

Some low-cal-bodied reds tin actually be very enjoyable while served slightly chilled (Six common wine myths debunked).

3/ Use a wine preservation system

If you lot don't mind paying, a professional wine preserver can help y'all keep your wine fresh for even longer. Although there are many gadgets and devices available, two wine preservation systems seem to exist the most pop and constructive.

Vacuum pumps suck the air out of an opened bottle so it can be re-sealed hermetically without the oxygen affecting the wine. This is an affordable option unremarkably used in restaurants and bars.

Vacu Vin is the best-known make – this company invented the vacuum pump wine preservation system. They promise up to two weeks extra life for an opened bottle of vino.

Inert vino gas preservation systems can keep your opened vino fresh for even longer, merely this is unremarkably more of an enthusiast pick since they can be quite expensive. This organisation is based on inserting an inert gas – usually argon - into the canteen. This gas, being heavier than oxygen, creates a protective layer on the surface of the wine.

The all-time-known brand is Coravin. This brand offers a device with a needle which punctures a hole in the cork to extract wine without pulling the cork out thus avoiding any contact with oxygen. The wine is then replaced with argon gas and the cork naturally re-seals as if the bottle had never been opened.

There is also an pick for screwcap wines that, co-ordinate to Coravin, can go on vino fresh for upwards 3 months.

A more affordable solution is a gas canister system, such equally Private Preserve. This works in a similar mode to Coravin. Y'all insert a mixture of gas into the bottle to protect the vino from oxygen. With this system, yous have to uncork the bottle and employ the gas when re-sealing it, so there volition be some exposure to oxygen.

Private Preserve promises that the wine will last "for months and even years".

4/ Take reward of smaller bottles

Vino bottles come in at least twelve different sizes (Read ourDefinitive guide to vino bottle shapes and sizes). If you don't desire to invest in an expensive vino preservation system, you could consider decanting your left-over wines into smaller bottles and go on them in the fridge under screwcap. There's less room for air in small bottles and so less exposure to oxygen.

Alternatively, y'all can simply purchase your vino in smaller sizes. Although one-half bottles or splits are less frequently available in supermarkets, yous can easily buy them online.

How to store Champagne, Prosecco and other sparkling wines after opening

Straight light is dangerous for all wines and they should always be stored in the nighttime. Strong light can damage a vino's flavours and aromas and lead to discolouration. Sparkling wines are peculiarly susceptible to the negative effects of lite. That'due south why you'll find Champagnes or Cavas near always sold in dark bottles.

Wine preservation systems, unfortunately, do not work for sparkling wines. Inert gas-based systems are only suitable for still wines, while the vacuum pumps will suck out the bubbles, leaving the vino apartment.

WSET Champagne and sparkling wine stoppers

five/ Apply a sparkling wine stopper

If you want to keep a sparkling wine fresh, your best bet is a Champagne stopper. They are cheap and tin can go on your bubbling going for up to 5 days. Traditional method sparkling wines like Champagne and Cava will final longer than tank method wines similar Prosecco. Don't be tempted to put a teaspoon in the cervix of your bottle - this is proven to be ineffective.

If you would like to find out more virtually the best drinking glass for drinking Champagne, read our post here.

If you're keen to wait "behind the label", with theLevel two Award in Wines, you'll gain an understanding of the factors that influence the style and quality of the wines you lot love and discover new styles and regions.


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